
14 years 27 days ago
Sense-based Interpretation of Logical Metonymy Using a Statistical Method
The use of figurative language is ubiquitous in natural language texts and it is a serious bottleneck in automatic text understanding. We address the problem of interpretation of ...
Ekaterina Shutova
14 years 2 months ago
Lightweight natural language text compression
Variants of Huffman codes where words are taken as the source symbols are currently the most attractive choices to compress natural language text databases. In particular, Tagged...
Nieves R. Brisaboa, Antonio Fariña, Gonzalo...
14 years 4 months ago
MULTITALE: linking medical concepts by means of frames
In this paper MULTITALE, a system for the semantic tagging of medical neurosurgical texts and for the semi-automatic expansion of the medical lexicon, will be presented. Given the...
Isa Maks, Willy Martin
14 years 4 months ago
A Text Understander that Learns
We introduce an approach to the automatic acquisition of new concepts fi'om natural language texts which is tightly integrated with the underlying text understanding process....
Udo Hahn, Klemens Schnattinger
14 years 4 months ago
Comparing Natural Language Documents: a DL Based Approach
We propose a method to compare semantically two natural language texts. The process is realized in two steps, the first translates the texts into description logics terminologies...
Naouel Karam, Michel Schneider
14 years 4 months ago
Learning to Extract Information for the Semantic Web
Abstract: The goal of information extraction (IE) is to find desired pieces of information in natural language texts and store them in a form that is suitable for automatic queryi...
Christian Siefkes
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14 years 4 months ago
Valentino: A Tool for Valence Shifting of Natural Language Texts
In this paper a first implementation of a tool for valence shifting of natural language texts, named Valentino (VALENced Text INOculator), is presented. Valentino can modify exist...
Marco Guerini, Carlo Strapparava, Oliviero Stock
14 years 4 months ago
Temporal Processing with the TARSQI Toolkit
We present the TARSQI Toolkit (TTK), a modular system for automatic temporal and event annotation of natural language texts. TTK identifies temporal expressions and events in natu...
Marc Verhagen, James Pustejovsky
14 years 5 months ago
Deriving Chronological Information from Texts through a Graph-Based Algorithm
We propose a method of deriving chronological order of events in natural language texts by constraining temporal boundaries associated to events and projecting them on a timeline....
Cosmin Adrian Bejan
14 years 5 months ago
Learning by Reading: A Prototype System, Performance Baseline and Lessons Learned
A traditional goal of Artificial Intelligence research has been a system that can read unrestricted natural language texts on a given topic, build a model of that topic and reason...
Ken Barker, Bhalchandra Agashe, Shaw Yi Chaw, Jame...