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We study a system coupling the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in a 2D rectangular type domain with a damped Euler-Bernoulli beam equation, where the beam is a part of the u...
In this paper we review fourth-order approximations of the biharmonic operator in one, two and three dimensions. In addition, we describe recent developments on second and fourth o...
Dalia Fishelov, Matania Ben-Artzi, Jean-Pierre Cro...
Abstract. The sequential regularization method is a reformulation of the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations from the view point of constrained dynamical systems or approximate Helmho...
Experience with fluid-flow simulation suggests that, in some instances, under-resolved direct numerical simulation (DNS), without a residual-stress model per se but with artificial...
William J. Layton, C. David Pruett, Leo G. Rebholz
We present a comprehensive methodology for realistically animating liquid phenomena. Our approach unifies existing computer graphics techniques for simulating fluids and extends t...
In this study we use a fast Fourier spectral technique to simulate the Navier-Stokes equations with no-slip boundary conditions. This is enforced by an immersed boundary technique ...
G. H. Keetels, H. J. H. Clercx, G. J. F. van Heijs...
The motion of fluids has been a topic of study for hundredsof years. In its most general setting, fluid flow is governed by a system of non-linear partial differential equation...
An inpainting technique for images and videos is introduced. The idea is to use fluid equations – the Navier-Stokes equations- as a PDE based method for the image processing. The...
Image inpaining "involves filling in part of an image (or video) using information
for the surrounding area" [1]. This report summarizes an application of numerical