
14 years 4 months ago
An object oriented approach to an identity based encryption cryptosystem
We describe an object oriented approach to developing an Identity Based Encryption system. We show how an existing API was reused and extended to facilitate our development of the...
Adam Duffy, Tom Dowling
88views Business» more  CSREAEEE 2006»
14 years 4 months ago
Documentation Tool: An Object Oriented Model for Electronic Library Management
This work is in the domain of Electronic Document Management (EDM) [1]. The documents can be an electronic writing, an image, a sound file, a network protocol message, a set of da...
Saad Harous, Djamila Mechta, Mahieddine Djoudi
152views Fuzzy Logic» more  EUSFLAT 2007»
14 years 4 months ago
Object Oriented Approach in Fuzzy Arithmetic Using Parametric Representation of Fuzzy Numbers
Parametric representation of fuzzy numbers (PFN) with derived methods for performing fuzzy arithmetic proves to have better accuracy and similar computational speed to using trian...
Frantisek Hunka
125views Database» more  SSDBM 1992»
14 years 7 months ago
Modelling Ecological Data
Ecological surveys generate large quantities of data database technology has not yet reached its full potential in this area. Here we investigate approaches to modelling ecologica...
Peter J. Barclay, Jessie B. Kennedy