
223views Computer Vision» more  NAR 2011»
13 years 2 months ago
ODB: a database for operon organizations, 2011 update
ODB (Operon DataBase) aims to collect data of all known and conserved operons in completely sequenced genomes. Three newly updated features of this database have been added as fol...
Shujiro Okuda, Akiyasu C. Yoshizawa
102views more  BMCBI 2006»
13 years 12 months ago
MycoperonDB: a database of computationally identified operons and transcriptional units in Mycobacteria
Background: A key post genomics challenge is to identify how genes in an organism come together and perform physiological functions. An important first step in this direction is t...
Sarita Ranjan, Ranjit Kumar Gundu, Akash Ranjan
14 years 1 months ago
A Probabilistic Learning Approach to Whole-Genome Operon Prediction
We present a computational approach to predicting operons in the genomes of prokaryotic organisms. Our approach uses machine learning methods to induce predictive models for this ...
Mark Craven, David Page, Jude W. Shavlik, Joseph B...
129views Bioinformatics» more  WOB 2003»
14 years 1 months ago
Procsimo: uma Ferramenta de Procura de Similaridade entre Operons
In this work, we propose a software tool, called PROCSIMO, which aims the identification of similarities between operons in bacterial genomes. From a database which contains the ch...
Carlos Azevedo, Alexandre Plastino, Ana Tereza R. ...