Face recognition algorithms perform very unreliably when the pose of the probe face is different from the gallery face: typical feature vectors vary more with pose than with identi...
Simon J. D. Prince, James H. Elder, Jonathan Warre...
In previous optimization-based methods of 3D planar-faced object reconstruction from single 2D line drawings, the missing depths of the vertices of a line drawing (and other parame...
This paper presents a hierarchical-compositional model of human faces, as a three-layer AND-OR graph to account for the structural variabilities over multiple resolutions. In the A...
Recently proposed Sobolev active contours introduced a new paradigm for minimizing energies defined on curves by changing the traditional cost of perturbing a curve and thereby red...
Ganesh Sundaramoorthi, Anthony J. Yezzi, Andrea Me...
A camera mounted on an aerial vehicle provides an excellent means to monitor large areas of a scene. Utilizing several such cameras on different aerial vehicles allows further flex...
Segmentation and tracking of multiple humans in crowded situations is made difficult by interobject occlusion. We propose a model-based approach to interpret the image observations...
The Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm is widely used for learning finite mixture models despite its greedy nature. Most popular model-based clustering techniques might yield...
Chandan K. Reddy, Hsiao-Dong Chiang, Bala Rajaratn...
Among the most exciting advances in early vision has been the development of efficient energy minimization algorithms for pixel-labeling tasks such as depth or texture computation....
Richard Szeliski, Ramin Zabih, Daniel Scharstein, ...