We give the first efficient parallel algorithms for solving the arrangement problem. We give a deterministic algorithm for the CREW PRAM which runs in nearly optimal bounds of O(lo...
This paper presents parallel algorithms for priority queue operations on a p-processor EREWPRAM. The algorithms are based on a new data structure, the Min-path Heap (MH), which is...
Determining time necessary for computing important functions on parallel machines is one of the most important problems in complexity theory for parallel algorithms. Recently, a s...
Reducingcommunicationoverheadhas been widely recognized as a requirement for achieving efficient mappings which substantially reduce the execution time of parallel algorithms. Th...
We present efficient sequential and parallel algorithms for isosurface extraction. Based on the Span Space data representation, new data subdivision and searching methods are desc...
Han-Wei Shen, Charles D. Hansen, Yarden Livnat, Ch...
In this paper, we present a parallel algorithm for the minimization of deterministic finite state automata (DFA's) and discuss its implementation on a connection machine CM-5...
Parallel algorithm designers need computational models that take first order system costs into account, but are also simple enough to use in practice. This paper introduces the L...
We consider parallel algorithms for computing the Hermite normal form of matrices over Euclidean rings. We use standard types of reduction methods which are the basis of many algor...
In this paper, we propose three different parallel algorithms based on a state-of-the-art global router called TimberWolfSC. The parallel algorithms have been implemented by using...
Abstract. The incremental and dynamic construction of interconnection networks from smaller components often leaves the fundamental problem of assigning addresses to processors to ...
Stephan Olariu, Ivan Stojmenovic, Albert Y. Zomaya