ABSTRACT. We consider concurrent systems that can be modelled as 1-safe Petri nets communicating through a fixed set of buffers (modelled as unbounded places). We identify a param...
Statecharts and Petri nets are two popular visual formalisms for modelling complex systems that exhibit concurrency. Both formalisms are supported by various design tools. To enabl...
The need for a design language that is rigorous but accessible and intuitive is often at odds with the formal and mathematical nature of languages used for analysis. UML and Petri ...
This work presents a methodology to formally model and to build collaborative three dimensional interaction tasks in virtual environments using three different tools: Petri Nets, ...
Rafael Rieder, Marcio Sarroglia Pinho, Alberto Bar...
Abstract. We present an encoding for (bound) processes of the asynchronous CCS with replication into open Petri nets: ordinary Petri nets equipped with a distinguished set of open ...
We generalize the unfolding semantics, previously developed for concrete formalisms such as Petri nets and graph grammars, to the setting of (single pushout) rewriting over adhesiv...
Paolo Baldan, Andrea Corradini, Tobias Heindel, Ba...
The ITPN-PerfBound is a tool for the modeling and analysis of Interval Time Petri Nets (ITPN), that is Petri Nets in which firing time intervals, and possibly firing frequency in...
Elina Pacini Naumovich, Simona Bernardi, Marco Gri...
A new technique for the logic synthesis of asynchronous circuits is presented. It is based on the structural theory of Petri nets and integer linear programming. The technique is ...