The term Ubiquitous Computing was coined by Mark Weiser almost two decades ago. Despite all the time that has passed since Weiser's vision, ubiquitous computing still has a l...
Nowadays, software evolution is a very hot topic. Many applications need to be updated or extended with new characteristics during their lifecycle. Software evolution is character...
This paper contributes in two directions. First, several concepts of our matrix approach to graph transformation [1,2] such as coherence and minimal initial digraph are applied to ...
Inspired by the way SAP R/3 and other transactional information systems log events, we focus on the problem to decide whether a process model and a frequency profile "fit"...
Bipolar synchronization systems (BP-systems) constitute a class of coloured Petri nets, well suited for modelling the control flow of discrete dynamical systems. Every BP-system ha...
Timed Petri nets and timed automata are two standard models for the analysis of real-time systems. In this paper, we prove that they are incomparable for the timed language equival...
: UML currently still lacks a rigorously defined semantics for its models, which makes formally analyzing a model and verifying its properties extremely difficult. To remedy that, ...
Using linear algebraic techniques, we analyse the computational complexity of testing reachability in Petri nets for which markings can grow very fast. This leads to two subclasse...
: This paper introduces negative application conditions for reconfigurable place/transition nets. These are Petri nets together with a set of rules that allow changing the net and ...
Alexander Rein, Ulrike Prange, Leen Lambers, Kathr...
We address the problem of analyzing the interaction between WS-BPEL processes. We present a technology chain that starts out with a WS-BPEL process and translates it into a Petri ...
Niels Lohmann, Peter Massuthe, Christian Stahl, Da...