This paper presents an extension of an algebra of high-level Petri nets with operations for suspension and abortion. These operations are sound with respect to the semantics of pre...
In this paper, we revisit the forward and backward approaches to the verification of extensions of infinite state Petri Nets. As contributions, we propose an efficient data struct...
DAWN is technique for modelling and verifying network algorithms, which is based on Petri nets and temporal logic. In this paper, we present a different perspective of DAWN that al...
: We present a twofolded view to the Petri Net Markup Language (PNML). On the one hand we describe the current state of PNML seen while adopting PNML for an existing tool. The exte...
In this paper, we consider a deterministic timed continuous Petri net model where conflicts at places are solved by using stationary routing parameters. We show how to compute the...
: In this paper we study the home marking problem for Petri nets, and some related concepts to it like confluence, noetherianity, and state space inclusion. We show that the home m...
: Nowadays, software evolution is a very hot topic. It is particularly complex when it regards critical and nonstopping systems. Usually, these situations are tackled by hard-codin...
: This paper describes a method of using Petri net P-invariants in system diagnosis. To model this process a net oriented fault classification is presented. Hence, the considered d...
Abstract— In this paper, we present our methodology proposal for cooperative remote systems modeling. Its aim is to develop models of existing or planned cooperative systems. The...
Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) are a well known language for specifying scenarios that describe how different actors (e.g., system components, people, or organizations) interact. M...