Digital watermarking is a technique for embedding information into data, such as images, 3D models, or audio files, such that some properties (i. e., security, imperceptibility, ...
Henry Sonnet, Tobias Isenberg, Jana Dittmann, Thom...
As the number of in-house and public-domain 3D shape models increase, importance of shape-similarity based search and retrieval for 3D shapes models has increased rapidly. In this...
Many popular motion editing methods do not take physical principles into account potentially producing implausible motions. This paper introduces an efficient method for touching...
We present a system based on commodity graphics hardware for computing global illumination in dynamic scenes at interactive rates. We designed a progressive global illumination al...
Mangesh Nijasure, Sumanta N. Pattanaik, Vineet Goe...
We present the concept of volumetric depth-peeling. The proposed method is conceived to render interior and exterior iso-surfaces for a fixed iso-value and to blend them without ...
A real-time physiologically-based breathing model of lungs under normal and pathological scenario has been conceived and implemented. The algorithm developed for lung deformations...
Anand P. Santhanam, Sumanta N. Pattanaik, Jannick ...
In this paper, we present a physics motivated modeling method for volcanic clouds as a two fluids model. Some previous methods model smoke or clouds as one fluid, but the volcan...
We present a physically-inspired model of wax crayons, which synthesizes drawings from collections of userspecified strokes. Paper is represented by a height-field texture, and ...