Background: The presence of gaps in an alignment of nucleotide or protein sequences is often an inconvenience for bioinformatical studies. In phylogenetic and other analyses, for ...
Rodrigo Gouveia-Oliveira, Peter Wad Sackett, Ander...
Background: The methodologies we use both enable and help define our research. However, as experimental complexity has increased the choice of appropriate methodologies has become...
James M. Eales, John W. Pinney, Robert D. Stevens,...
Background: Taxon sampling is a major concern in phylogenetic studies. Incomplete, biased, or improper taxon sampling can lead to misleading results in reconstructing evolutionary...
Federico Plazzi, Ronald R. Ferrucci, Marco Passamo...
Summary: adephylo is a package for the R software dedicated to the analysis of comparative evolutionary data. Phylogenetic comparative methods initially aimed at accounting for or...
Background: Neighbor-Net is a novel method for phylogenetic analysis that is currently being widely used in areas such as virology, bacteriology, and plant evolution. Given an inp...
Undiscovered relationships in a data set may confound analyses, particularly those that assume data independence. Such problems occur when characters used for phylogenetic analyse...
Anne M. Maglia, Jennifer L. Leopold, Venkat Ram Gh...
Recent advances in DNA sequencing technology have created large data sets upon which phylogenetic inference can be performed. However, current research is limited by the prohibiti...
Quinn Snell, Michael Whiting, Mark J. Clement, Dav...
Abstract. Phylogenetics is a science of determining connections between groups of organisms in terms of ancestor/descendent relationships, usually expressed by phylogenetic trees, ...
Bayesian phylogenetic inference is an important alternative to maximum likelihood-based phylogenetic method. However, inferring large trees using the Bayesian approach is computat...
Xizhou Feng, Kirk W. Cameron, Carlos P. Sosa, Bria...
Phylogenetics is concerned with inferring the genealogical relationships between a group of organisms (or taxa), and this relationship is usually expressed as an evolutionary tree....