
75views more  MOC 2000»
14 years 2 months ago
Some polynomials over Q(t) and their Galois groups
Abstract. Examples of polynomials with Galois group over Q(t) corresponding to every transitive group through degree eight are calculated, constructively demonstrating the existenc...
Gene Ward Smith
69views more  JSC 2000»
14 years 2 months ago
Generic Polynomials with Few Parameters
We call a polynomial g(t1, . . . , tm, X) over a field K generic for a group G if it has Galois group G as a polynomial in X, and if every Galois field extension N/L with K L and...
Gregor Kemper, Elena Mattig
88views more  DM 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Tutte polynomial expansions for 2-separable graphs
Let ^G be a graph obtained from a graph G with no loops or coloops by replacing each edge e = uw of G by a connected graph He that has only the vertices u and w in common with the...
Douglas R. Woodall
79views more  DCG 2000»
14 years 2 months ago
Mutation Polynomials and Oriented Matroids
Several polynomials are of use in various enumeration problems concerning objects in oriented matroids. Chief among these is the Radon catalog. We continue to study these, as well ...
J. Lawrence
106views more  COMBINATORICS 2004»
14 years 2 months ago
Random Matrices, Magic Squares and Matching Polynomials
Characteristic polynomials of random unitary matrices have been intensively studied in recent years: by number theorists in connection with Riemann zetafunction, and by theoretica...
Persi Diaconis, Alexander Gamburd
88views more  JUCS 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
A Comparison of Various Methods for Computing Bounds for Positive Roots of Polynomials
Abstract: The recent interest in isolating real roots of polynomials has revived interest in computing sharp upper bounds on the values of the positive roots of polynomials. Until ...
Alkiviadis G. Akritas, Panagiotis S. Vigklas
60views more  JSC 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
An elementary proof of Sylvester's double sums for subresultants
In 1853 Sylvester stated and proved an elegant formula that expresses the polynomial subresultants in terms of the roots of the input polynomials. Sylvester’s formula was also r...
Carlos D'Andrea, Hoon Hong, Teresa Krick, Á...
63views Algorithms» more  AAECC 2004»
14 years 2 months ago
Computation of the Decomposition Group of a Triangular Ideal
Abstract. This article describes two algorithms in order to search decomposition groups of ideals of polynomials with coefficients in a perfect field when those ideals are generate...
I. Abdeljaouad-Tej, Sébastien Orange, Gu&ea...
74views more  TIT 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Modular Representations of Polynomials: Hyperdense Coding and Fast Matrix Multiplication
A certain modular representation of multilinear polynomials is considered. The modulo 6 representation of polynomial f is just any polynomial f + 6g. The 1-a-strong representation ...
Vince Grolmusz
14 years 2 months ago
Computations with quasiseparable polynomials and matrices
In this paper we survey several recent results that highlight an interplay between a relatively new class of quasiseparable matrices and polynomials. Quasiseparable matrices gener...
Tom Bella, Yuli Eidelman, Israel Gohberg, Vadim Ol...