A new class of data structures called "bumptrees" is described. These structures are useful for efficiently implementing a number of neural network related operations. A...
This survey presents several techniques for solving variants of the following scattered data interpolation problem: given a nite set of N points in R3, nd a surface that interpola...
In this paper a neural network for approximating function is described. The activation functions of the hidden nodes are the Radial Basis Functions (RBF) whose parameters are learn...
We introduce a mechanism for constructing and training a hybrid architecture of projection based units and radial basis functions. In particular, we introduce an optimization sche...
We present a novel approach to creating deformations of polygonal models using Radial Basis Functions (RBFs) to produce localized real-time deformations. Radial Basis Functions as...
Behavioral models of digital devices based on Radial Basis Functions (RBF) are incorporated into a Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) solver for full-wave analysis of interconne...
Stefano Grivet-Talocia, Igor S. Stievano, Ivan A. ...
The problem of locating centers for radial basis functions in neural networks is discussed. The proposed approach allows us to apply the results from the theory of optimum experime...
— We address the synthesis of controllers for large groups of robots and sensors, tackling the specific problem of controlling a swarm of robots to generate patterns specified ...
In this paper, a multi-class classification system is developed for medical images. We have mainly explored ways to use different image features, and compared two classifiers: Pri...
Radial basis function networks (RBF) are efficient general function approximators. They show good generalization performance and they are easy to train. Due to theoretical consider...