
13 years 4 months ago
CP and IP approaches to cancer radiotherapy delivery optimization
Abstract. We consider the problem of decomposing an integer matrix into a positively weighted sum of binary matrices that have the consecutive-ones property. This problem is well-k...
Davaatseren Baatar, Natashia Boland, Sebastian Bra...
126views more  IOR 2006»
14 years 12 days ago
A New Linear Programming Approach to Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning Problems
We consider the problem of radiation therapy treatment planning for cancer patients. During radiation therapy, beams of radiation pass through a patient, killing both cancerous an...
H. Edwin Romeijn, Ravindra K. Ahuja, James F. Demp...
14 years 4 months ago
Enhancing Transparent Skin Surfaces with Ridge and Valley Lines
There are many applications that can benefit from the simultaneous display of multiple layers of data. The objective in these cases is to render the layered surfaces in a such way...
Victoria Interrante, Henry Fuchs, Stephen M. Pizer