Uniform random sample is often useful in analyzing data. Usually taking a uniform sample is not a problem if the entire data resides in one location. However, if the data is distr...
Self-stabilizing token circulation algorithms are not always adapted for dynamic networks. Random walks are well known to play a crucial role in the design of randomized algorithm...
This paper studies how to incorporate side information (such as users’ feedback) in measuring node proximity on large graphs. Our method (ProSIN) is motivated by the well-studie...
We consider the problem of online sublinear expander reconstruction and its relation to random walks in “noisy” expanders. Given access to an adjacency list representation of ...
Random Walks (RWs) have been considered for information dissemination in large scale, dynamic and unstructured environments, as they are scalable, robust to topology changes and d...
— Power distribution networks (PDNs) are designed and analyzed iteratively. Random walk is among the most efficient methods for PDN analysis. We develop in this paper an increme...
We show that a random walk on a tournament on n vertices finds either a sink or a 3-cycle in expected time O √ n · log n · log∗ n , that is, sublinear both in the size of th...
—Distributed object search is the primary function of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing system to locate and transfer the file. The predominant search schemes in unstructured P2P...
—Random walk (RW) has been widely used as a strategy for searching in peer-to-peer networks. The boom of social network applications introduces new impact to the classical algori...
We formulate the problem of salient region detection in images as Markov random walks performed on images represented as graphs. While the global properties of the image are extra...