Reconciliation between a set of gene trees and a species tree is the most commonly used approach to infer the duplication and loss events in the evolution of gene families, given a...
The combination of fully sequence genomes and new technologies for high density arrays and ultra-rapid sequencing enables the mapping of generegulatory and epigenetics marks on a g...
Collective behavior involving distally separate regions in a protein is known to widely affect its function. In this paper, we present an online approach to study and characterize ...
Arvind Ramanathan, Pratul K. Agarwal, Maria Kurnik...
Prediction and alignment of RNA pseudoknot structures are NP-hard. Nevertheless, several efficient prediction algorithms by dynamic programming have been proposed for restricted cl...
Abstract. Despite the desirable information contained in complex pedigree datasets, analysis methods struggle to efficiently process these datasets. The attractiveness of pedigree ...
Bonnie Kirkpatrick, Javier Rosa, Eran Halperin, Ri...
Abstract. Accurate comparative analysis tools for low-homology proteins remains a difficult challenge in computational biology, especially sequence alignment and consensus folding ...
In analyzing the proteome using mass spectrometry, the mass values help identify the molecules, and the intensities help quantify them, relative to their abundance in other sample...