HEXQ is a reinforcement learning algorithm that discovers hierarchical structure automatically. The generated task hierarchy repthe problem at different levels of abstraction. In ...
This paper presents a reinforcement learning algorithm used to allocate tasks to agents in an uncertain real-time environment. In such environment, tasks have to be analyzed and a...
Abstract. In this paper we compare our selection based learning algorithm with the reinforcement learning algorithm in Web crawlers. The task of the crawlers is to find new inform...
This paper presents a novel model of reinforcement learning agents. A feature of our learning agent model is to integrate analytic hierarchy process (AHP) into a standard reinforc...
— This paper presents a new reinforcement learning algorithm for accelerating acquisition of new skills by real mobile robots, without requiring simulation. It speeds up Q-learni...
This paper describes the design and implementation of robotic agents for the RoboCup Simulation 2D category that learns using a recently proposed Heuristic Reinforcement Learning a...
Luiz A. Celiberto, Carlos H. C. Ribeiro, Anna Hele...
The paper explores a very simple agent design method called Q-decomposition, wherein a complex agent is built from simpler subagents. Each subagent has its own reward function and...
Learning algorithms often obtain relatively low average payoffs in repeated general-sum games between other learning agents due to a focus on myopic best-response and one-shot Nas...