
63views more  RSA 2006»
14 years 11 days ago
Random cutting and records in deterministic and random trees
We study random cutting down of a rooted tree and show that the number of cuts is equal (in distribution) to the number of records in the tree when edges (or vertices) are assigned...
Svante Janson
78views more  RSA 2006»
14 years 11 days ago
Nodes of large degree in random trees and forests
We study the asymptotic behaviour of the number Nk,n of nodes of given degree k in unlabeled random trees, when the tree size n and the node degree k both tend to infinity. It is s...
Bernhard Gittenberger
104views more  RSA 2006»
14 years 11 days ago
The satisfiability threshold for randomly generated binary constraint satisfaction problems
Abstract. We study two natural models of randomly generated constraint satisfaction problems. We determine how quickly the domain size must grow with n to ensure that these models ...
Alan M. Frieze, Michael Molloy
132views more  RSA 2006»
14 years 11 days ago
Almost universal graphs
We study the question as to when a random graph with n vertices and m edges contains a copy of almost all graphs with n vertices and cn/2 edges, c
Alan M. Frieze, Michael Krivelevich
81views more  RSA 2006»
14 years 11 days ago
On random points in the unit disk
Let n be a positive integer and > 0 a real number. Let Vn be a set of n points in the unit disk selected uniformly and independently at random. Define G(, n) to be the graph w...
Robert B. Ellis, Xingde Jia, Catherine H. Yan
88views more  RSA 2006»
14 years 11 days ago
Randomly coloring sparse random graphs with fewer colors than the maximum degree
We analyze Markov chains for generating a random k-coloring of a random graph Gn,d/n. When the average degree d is constant, a random graph has maximum degree (log n/ log log n), ...
Martin E. Dyer, Abraham D. Flaxman, Alan M. Frieze...
144views more  RSA 2006»
14 years 11 days ago
Data structures with dynamical random transitions
We present a (non-standard) probabilistic analysis of dynamic data structures whose sizes are considered as dynamic random walks. The basic operations (insertion, deletion, positi...
Clément Dombry, Nadine Guillotin-Plantard, ...