Abstract. In this paper we offer a novel methodology for verifying correctness of (timed) security protocols. The idea consists in computing the time of a correct execution of a s...
We model security protocols as a game tree using concepts of game semantics. The model interprets protocol specifications as strategies over a game tree that represents the type ...
The correct implementation of security protocols is a challenging task. To achieve a high degree of confidence in an implementation, as with any software, ideally one requires bot...
— Despite the popularity of VoIP these days, this method of communication may present significant security challenges in terms of privacy and accounting. Authentication and messa...
Most model checking techniques for security protocols make a number of simplifying assumptions on the protocol and/or on its execution environment that prevent their applicability...
We present a symbolic framework for refinement and composition of security protocols. ework uses the notion of ideal functionalities. These are abstract systems which are secure b...
We introduce the Open-source Fixed-point Model Checker OFMC for symbolic security protocol analysis, which extends the Onthe-fly Model Checker (the previous OFMC). The native inpu...
We propose a middleware for automated implementation of security protocols for Web services. The proposed middleware consists of two main layers: the communication layer and the se...
As computing technology becomes increasingly pervasive and interconnected, mobility leads to shorter-lasting relationships between end-points with many different security requirem...
Abstract. The application area of security protocols raises several problems that are relevant to automated deduction. We describe in this note some of these challenges.