Common departmental characteristics and practices in computer science and biology/life science are compared for 46 departments at 23 Virginia colleges and universities. The goal o...
A number of communication libraries have been written to support concurrent programming. For a variety of reasons, these libraries generally are not well-suited for use in undergr...
Steve Carr, Changpeng Fang, Tim Jozwowski, Jean Ma...
Currently there is a serious conceptual and technical gap between ideas emphasized in object-oriented programming and ideas as taught in algorithms courses. We suggest both a para...
Paolo Bucci, Wayne D. Heym, Timothy J. Long, Bruce...
In the Fall of 1999 the Center for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (CEUT) and the International Office at Virginia Tech provided a small grant to support the incorporation of...
Innovative teachers are continually looking for creative ideas, both to get their ideas across and to hold the interest of their students. One of the latest trends is the use of L...
As part of an NSF-funded IT Workforce grant, the authors conducted ethnographic research to provide deep understanding to the learning environment of computer science classrooms. ...
Lecia Jane Barker, Kathy Garvin-Doxas, Michele H. ...
A Beowulf cluster is a MIMD multiprocessor built from commodity off-the-shelf personal computers connected via a dedicated network, running free open-source software. Such a clust...
In this paper, we describe PortOS, an educational operating system designed to complement undergraduate and graduate level classes on operating systems. PortOS is a complete user-...