Designing architectural frameworks without the aid of formal modeling is error prone. But, unless supported by analysis, formal modeling is prone to its own class of errors, in wh...
An automatic analysis method for first-order logic with sets and relations is described. A first-order formula is translated to a quantifier-free boolean formula, which has a mode...
Academic research sometimes suffers from the “ivory tower” problem: some ideas that sound good in theory do not necessarily work well in practice. An example of research that ...
Joseph E. Hollingsworth, Lori Blankenship, Bruce W...
We describe an extension to the Java programming language that supports static conformance checking and dynamic debugging of object "protocols," i.e., sequencing constra...
Sergey Butkevich, Marco Renedo, Gerald Baumgartner...
We present the universe model,a new approach to concurrencymanagement that isolates concurrency concerns and represents them in the modular interface of a component. This approach...
Constraint-based languages can express in a concise way the complex logic of a new generation of interactive services for applications such as banking or stock trading, that must ...