This paper describes the syntactic rules which are applied in the Japanese speech recognition module of a speech-to-speech translation system. Japanese is considered to be a free ...
We propose a novelapproach to automaticallygrowing and pruning Hierarchical Mixtures of Experts. The constructive algorithm proposed here enables large hierarchies consisting of s...
In this paper we demonstrate that speech recognition can be effectively applied to information retrieval (IR) applications. Our system exploits the fact that the intended words of...
We present an integrated approach to speech and natural language processing which uses a single parser to create training for a statistical speech recognition component and for in...
A new mapping algorithm for speech recognition relates the features of simultaneous recordings of clean and noisy speech. The model is a piecewise nonfinear transformation appfied...
The goal of this study is to evaluate the potential for using large vocabulary continuous speech recognition as an engine for automatically classifying utterances according to the...
Steve Lowe, Anne Demedts, Larry Gillick, Mark Mand...
In addressing the problem of achieving high-accuracy real-time speech recognition systems, we focus on recognizing speech from ARPA's20,000-word Wall Street Journal (WSJ) tas...
Hy Murveit, Peter Monaco, Vassilios Digalakis, Joh...
As multilingual products and technology grow in importance, the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC) intends to provide the resources needed for research and development activities, e...
Statistical language models play a major role in current speech recognition systems. Most of these models have focussed on relatively local interactions between words. Recently, h...
This paper describes our participation in the TREC-9 Spoken Document Retrieval (SDR) track. The THISL SDR system consists of a realtime version of a hybrid connectionist/HMM large...