The PAC-learning model is distribution-independent in the sense that the learner must reach a learning goal with a limited number of labeled random examples without any prior know...
An active learner has a collection of data points, each with a label that is initially hidden but can be obtained at some cost. Without spending too much, it wishes to find a cla...
The problem of computing minimum distortion embeddings of a given graph into a line (path) was introduced in 2004 and has quickly attracted significant attention with subsequent ...
Pinar Heggernes, Daniel Meister, Andrzej Proskurow...
We give a high precision polynomial-time approximation scheme for the supremum of any honest n-variate (n + 2)-nomial with a constant term, allowing real exponents as well as real...
This paper initiates a study of connections between local and global properties of graphical games. Specifically, we introduce a concept of local price of anarchy that quantifie...
Abstract. We present the first fully dynamic algorithm for computing the characteristic polynomial of a matrix. In the generic symmetric case our algorithm supports rank-one updat...
During the last years, the genomes of more and more species have been sequenced, providing data for phylogenetic reconstruction based on genome rearrangement measures, where the m...
d Abstract) Hagit Attiya and Eshcar Hillel Department of Computer Science, Technion The design of concurrent data structures is greatly facilitated by the availability of synchroni...