This paper describes a model for generating time series which exhibit the statistical phenomenon known as long-range dependence (LRD). A Markov Modulated Process based upon an inf...
Background: A central goal of molecular biology is to understand the regulatory mechanisms of gene transcription and protein synthesis. Because of their solid basis in statistics,...
Norbert Dojer, Anna Gambin, Andrzej Mizera, Bartek...
The problem of distinguishing density-independent (DI) from density-dependent (DD) demographic time series is important for understanding the mechanisms that regulate populations ...
The purpose of this paper is to forecast the time evolution of a binary response variable from an associated continuous time series observed only at discrete time points that usual...
Ana M. Aguilera, Manuel Escabias, Mariano J. Valde...
We introduce robust regression-based online filters for multivariate time series and discuss their performance in real time signal extraction settings. We focus on methods that ca...
Summary: BATS is a user-friendly software for Bayesian Analysis of Time Series microarray experiments based on the novel, truly functional and fully Bayesian approach proposed in ...
Claudia Angelini, Luisa Cutillo, Daniela De Candit...
Background: In practice many biological time series measurements, including gene microarrays, are conducted at time points that seem to be interesting in the biologist's opin...
Background: Modelling of time series data should not be an approximation of input data profiles, but rather be able to detect and evaluate dynamical changes in the time series dat...
Ryoko Morioka, Shigehiko Kanaya, Masami Y. Hirai, ...
Background: Structure identification of dynamic models for complex biological systems is the cornerstone of their reverse engineering. Biochemical Systems Theory (BST) offers a pa...
Marco Vilela, Carlos Cristiano H. Borges, Susana V...
We present a new approach of explaining partial causality in multivariate fMRI time series by a state space model. A given single time series can be divided into two noise-driven ...