

Automated smoother for the numerical decoupling of dynamics models

14 years 3 months ago
Automated smoother for the numerical decoupling of dynamics models
Background: Structure identification of dynamic models for complex biological systems is the cornerstone of their reverse engineering. Biochemical Systems Theory (BST) offers a particularly convenient solution because its parameters are kinetic-order coefficients which directly identify the topology of the underlying network of processes. We have previously proposed a numerical decoupling procedure that allows the identification of multivariate dynamic models of complex biological processes. While described here within the context of BST, this procedure has a general applicability to signal extraction. Our original implementation relied on artificial neural networks (ANN), which caused slight, undesirable bias during the smoothing of the time courses. As an alternative, we propose here an adaptation of the Whittaker's smoother and demonstrate its role within a robust, fully automated structure identification procedure. Results: In this report we propose a robust, fully automated ...
Marco Vilela, Carlos Cristiano H. Borges, Susana V
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Authors Marco Vilela, Carlos Cristiano H. Borges, Susana Vinga, Ana Tereza R. Vasconcelos, Helena Santos, Eberhard O. Voit, Jonas S. Almeida
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