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Augmented reality systems with see-through headmounted displays have been used primarily for applications that are possible with today's computational capabilities. We explor...
Andrei State, David T. Chen, Chris Tector, Andrew ...
We describe a technique for achieving fast volume ray casting on parallel machines, using a load balancing scheme and an e cient pipelined approach to compositing. We propose a ne...
Vector field rendering is difficult in 3D because the vector icons overlap and hide each other. We propose four different techniques for visualizing vector fields only near surfac...
To render images from a three-dimensional array of sample values, it is necessary to interpolate between the samples. This paper is concerned with interpolation methods that are e...
We will try to address the need for a formal foundation for visualization by taking an analytic approach to defining D. Since an arbitrary function D: U V will not produce display...
William L. Hibbard, Charles R. Dyer, Brian E. Paul
VolVis is a diversified, easy to use, extensible, high performance, and portable volume visualization system for scientists and engineers as well as for visualization developers a...
Ricardo S. Avila, Taosong He, Lichan Hong, Arie E....