Large area tiled displays are gaining popularity for use in collaborative immersive virtual environments and scientific visualization. While recent work has addressed the issues ...
We present an algorithm for compressing 2D vector fields that preserves topology. Our approach is to simplify the given data set using constrained clustering. We employ different...
Suresh K. Lodha, Jose C. Renteria, Krishna M. Rosk...
The microscopic analysis of time dependent 3D live cells provides considerable challenges to visualization. Effective visualization can provide insight into the structure and func...
Wim C. de Leeuw, Robert van Liere, Pernette J. Ver...
Specific rendering modes are developed for a combined visual/haptic interface to allow exploration and understanding of fluid dynamics data. The focus is on visualization of sho...
Dale A. Lawrence, Christopher D. Lee, Lucy Y. Pao,...
We propose a novel approach for segmentation and digital cleansing of endoscopic organs. Our method can be used for a variety of segmentation needs with little or no modification...
Sarang Lakare, Ming Wan, Mie Sato, Arie E. Kaufman
Particle tracking in liquid and gaseous fluids is a very useful technique to better understand flow dynamics. In this paper, we develop a novel algorithm to track a dense collecti...
Bruno Jobard, Gordon Erlebacher, M. Yousuff Hussai...
The study of time dependent characteristics of proteins is important for gaining insight into many biological processes. However, visualizing protein dynamics by animating atom tr...
Splatting is widely applied in many areas, including volume, point-based, and image-based rendering. Improvements to splatting, such as eliminating popping and color bleeding, occ...
Jian Huang, Roger Crawfis, Naeem Shareef, Klaus Mu...