With the increasing occurrence of temporal and spatial data in present-day database applications, the interval data type is adopted by more and more database systems. For an effic...
Modern computer work stations provide thousands of applications that store data in >100.000 files on the file system of the underlying OS. To handle these files data process...
Jens-Peter Dittrich, Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles, Do...
As a simple XML query language but with enough expressive power, XPath has become very popular. To expedite evaluation of XPath queries, we consider the problem of rewriting XPath...
Emerging data stream management systems approach the challenge of massive data distributions which arrive at high speeds while there is only small storage by summarizing and minin...
Existing work for query processing over graph data models often relies on pre-computing the transitive closure or path indexes. In this paper, we propose a family of stack-based a...
With the advent of chip multiprocessors, exploiting intra-transaction parallelism is an attractive way of improving transaction performance. However, exploiting intra-transaction ...
Christopher B. Colohan, Anastassia Ailamaki, J. Gr...
The key idea behind Inspector Joins is that during the I/O partitioning phase of a hash-based join, we have the opportunity to look at the actual data itself and then use this kno...
Shimin Chen, Anastassia Ailamaki, Phillip B. Gibbo...
In many systems, sensors are used to acquire information from external environments such as temperature, pressure and locations. Due to continuous changes in these values, and lim...