Creating Internet services for a specific auditorium involves technical, organizational and sociological challenges to developers, processes and used technologies. Authoring and d...
Peer production has played an important role in the economics of Web 2.0 related services. User participation and contribution become the main driving dynamics of this new economi...
: Die Ausweitung der Produktions- und Veröffentlichungsmöglichkeiten durch den einzelnen Internetnutzer haben eine strukturelle Weiterentwickelung des öffentlichen Kommunikation...
The Social Informatics Data Grid (SIDGrid) is a new cyberinfrastructure designed to transform how social and behavioral scientists collect and annotate data, collaborate and share...
— Sharing personal information and documents is pervasive in Web 2.0 environments, which creates the need for properly controlling shared data. Most existing authorization and po...
Nitya Vyas, Anna Cinzia Squicciarini, Chih-Cheng C...
In countries such as China or Iran where Internet censorship is prevalent, users usually rely on proxies or anonymizers to freely access the web. The obvious difficulty with this a...
—The term Enterprise 2.0 applies to the use of Web 2.0 technologies as a support for business activities within the organizations. These technologies are exploited to foster inte...
Nicola Capuano, Matteo Gaeta, Francesco Orciuoli, ...
Web 2.0 is the popular name of a new generation of Web applications, sites and companies that emphasis openness, community and interaction. Examples include technologies such as B...
Abstract: Wikis, Blogs und soziale Netze sind in wenigen Jahren von Randerscheinungen des Internet zu Motoren des Web 2.0 aufgestiegen. Die für die heutige Studentenschaft zunehme...
: In dem Artikel wird die Nutzung wissenschaftlicher Literatur in der Informatik vor zwanzig und zehn Jahren sowie heute beschrieben. Die vorhandenen Vor- und Nachteile und der his...