This paper presents a novel type of intelligent agent with a multilingual natural language interface, which retrieves information from within a Web site. This agent, named JaBot a...
Auditing a web site’s content is an arduous task. For any given page on a web server, system administrators are often ill-equipped to determine who created the document, why it...
Most of the information needs today can be satisfied by searching and browsing the Web. However, repetitive tasks such as monitoring information on Web sites should be done autom...
Hypermedia systems (whether web sites or not) should support multilevel policiesm, offering different views and manipulation abilities of the same information to users with differ...
The objective of our work is to provide some aid to the maintenance of a web site. The webmaster would like to get a semantic follow-up of the users’ browsing, but he only has a...
The authors introduce a decision chart previously developed to identify web site features that would be suitable for small businesses in their interactions with customers. The dec...
We sketch a theoretical framework for the construction of evaluation schemes for web sites. The framework is based on the structure quite explicitly found in mathematics, physics ...
The steadily increasing competition of internet web sites makes it both more difficult and more important to attract and retain users. However, it is not always possible to determ...
Web sites are now considered an extension of the entire business, not just an additional channel or storefront or a simple information portal for the company. Creating an effectiv...
- This paper investigates issues on culture and websites design for e-commerce, and also relates them to advanced requirements engineering practices. E-commerce parishioners and us...