Technology trends have led to the advent of multi-core chips in the form of both general-purpose chip multiprocessors (CMPs) and embedded multi-processor systems-on-a-chip (MPSoCs), with on-chip networks increasingly becoming the de facto communication fabric between cores as the demand for on-chip bandwidth scales up. These multi-core chips are composed of two key subcomponents: processor cores and a network fabric. Rapid, early-stage power estimation of these multi-core chips is crucial in assisting compilers in determining the most efficient thread partitioning and placement. While prior work in high-level power analysis exists, the focus has been on uniprocessor cores and ignores the interactions between cores via the on-chip network, as well as the power contribution of the on-chip fabric itself. In this paper we propose a first high-level power analysis framework that synergistically considers both computation and communication in a complete CMP system. Processor cores and unic...