As demand for bandwidth increases in systems-on-a-chip and chip multiprocessors, networks are fast replacing buses and dedicated wires as the pervasive interconnect fabric for on-...
This work discusses the impact of power consumption on the test time of core-based systems, when an available on-chip network is reused as test access mechanism. A previously prop...
This paper proposes a test planning method capable of reusing available processors as test sources and sinks, and the on-chip network as the access mechanism for the test of cores...
The increasing complexity and the short life cycles of embedded systems are pushing the current system-onchip designs towards a rapid increasing on the number of programmable proc...
Alexandre M. Amory, Marcelo Lubaszewski, Fernando ...
Technology trends have led to the advent of multi-core chips in the form of both general-purpose chip multiprocessors (CMPs) and embedded multi-processor systems-on-a-chip (MPSoCs...
— MPSoC is evolving towards processor-pool (PP)-based architectures, which employ hierarchical on-chip network for inter- and intra-PP communication. Since the design space of PP...
In this paper, we describe the concept of using an on-chip network as the fundamental communication architecture for a complex SOC design. We describe some of the salient features...