

The Effect of Interactivity on Web-Based Instruction Learners' Attitude, Satisfaction, and Performances

14 years 8 months ago
The Effect of Interactivity on Web-Based Instruction Learners' Attitude, Satisfaction, and Performances
The Internet breaks the limitations of time and space and provides a flexible platform for learning. Learning is a two-way communication and interactivity is a process to enhance communication among instructors, learners, learning materials, and interfaces. However, little studies exist regarding the effect of WBI interactivity on learners’ performances and attitude. This research examines how different degrees of WBI interactivity influence learners’ attitude, satisfaction, and performance in using the WBI systems. The results will provide useful applications for WBI designers and instructors.
Juei-ni Sun, Yu-chen Hsu
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Juei-ni Sun, Yu-chen Hsu
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