

Fingerprint indexing based on singular point correlation

14 years 8 months ago
Fingerprint indexing based on singular point correlation
—Fingerprint indexing is an efficient technique that greatly improves the performance of Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems. We propose a continuous fingerprint indexing method based on location, direction estimation and correlation of fingerprint singular points. Location and direction estimation are achieved simultaneously by applying a T-shape model to directional field of fingerprint images. The T-shape model analyzes homocentric sectors around the candidate singular points to find lateral-axes and further main-axes. Then a distortion-tolerant filter of Minimum Average Correlation Energy is utilized to obtain a correlation-based similarity measure which gives the evidence of searching priority. The experiment is performed by 400-fingerprint retrieval from 10,000 templates and the mean search space is only 3.46% of the whole dataset. Keywords-fingerprint indexing, singular point, MACE filter, Tshape model, directional field.
Tong Liu, Guocai Zhu, Chao Zhang, Pengwei Hao
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICIP
Authors Tong Liu, Guocai Zhu, Chao Zhang, Pengwei Hao
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