

Autonomous Helicopter Landing on a Moving Platform Using a Tether

14 years 8 months ago
Autonomous Helicopter Landing on a Moving Platform Using a Tether
—In this paper, we address the design of an autopilot for autonomous landing of a helicopter on a rocking ship, due to rough sea. The deck is modeled to have a sinusoidal motion. The goal of the helicopter is to land on it during motion. In this work, we use a tether to help in target tracking. Based on the measurement of the angle between the cable and the helicopter/ship, a novel hierarchical two time-scale controller has been proposed to ensure landing of the helicopter on the ship. The system is demonstrated by computer simulation. Currently, work is under progress to implement the algorithm using an instrumented model of a helicopter using a tether.
So-Ryeok Oh, Kaustubh Pathak, Sunil Kumar Agrawal,
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICRA
Authors So-Ryeok Oh, Kaustubh Pathak, Sunil Kumar Agrawal, Hemanshu Roy Pota, Matt Garrett
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