

Flocking with Obstacle Avoidance: A New Distributed Coordination Algorithm Based on Voronoi Partitions

14 years 8 months ago
Flocking with Obstacle Avoidance: A New Distributed Coordination Algorithm Based on Voronoi Partitions
— A new distributed coordination algorithm for multi-vehicle systems is presented in this paper. The algorithm combines a particular choice of navigation function with Voronoi partitions. This results not only in obstacle avoidance and motion to the goal, but also in a desirable geographical distribution of the vehicles. Our algorithm is decentralized in that each vehicle needs only to know the position of neighboring vehicles, but no other inter-vehicle communication or centralized control are required. The algorithm gives a natural priority to safety, goal convergence, and formation keeping, in that (1) collision avoidance is guaranteed under all circumstances, (2) the vehicles will move toward the goal as long as a given optimization problem is feasible, and (3) if prior criteria admit, the vehicles tend to a desirable lattice formation. These theoretical properties are discussed in the paper and the performance of the algorithm is illustrated in simulations with realistic models ...
Magnus Lindhé, Petter Ögren, Karl Henr
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICRA
Authors Magnus Lindhé, Petter Ögren, Karl Henrik Johansson
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