Instruction set customization is an effective way to improve processor performance. Critical portions of application dataflow graphs are collapsed for accelerated execution on specialized hardware. Collapsing dataflow subgraphs will compress the latency along critical paths and reduces the number of intermediate results stored in the register file. While custom instructions can be effective, the time and cost of designing a new processor for each application is immense. To overcome this roadblock, this paper proposes a flexible architectural framework to transparently integrate custom instructions into a general-purpose processor. Hardware accelerators are added to the processor to execute the collapsed subgraphs. A simple microarchitectural interface is provided to support a plug-and-play model for integrating a wide range of accelerators into a pre-designed and verified processor core. The accelerators are exploited using an approach of static identification and dynamic real...
Nathan Clark, Jason A. Blome, Michael L. Chu, Scot