

Visualisation Techniques for Users and Designers of Layout Algorithms

14 years 8 months ago
Visualisation Techniques for Users and Designers of Layout Algorithms
Visualisation systems consisting of a set of components through which data and interaction commands flow have been explored by a number of researchers. Such hybrid and multistage algorithms can be used to reduce overall computation time, and to provide views of the data that show intermediate results and the outputs of complementary algorithms. In this paper we present work on expanding the range and variety of such components, with two new techniques for analysing and controlling the performance of visualisation processes. While the techniques presented are quite different, they are unified within HIVE: a visualisation system based upon a data-flow model and visual programming. Embodied within this system is a framework for weaving together our visualisation components to better afford insight into data and also deepen understanding of the process of the data’s visualisation. We describe the new components and offer short case studies of their application. We demonstrate that both ...
Greg Ross, Alistair Morrison, Matthew Chalmers
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where IV
Authors Greg Ross, Alistair Morrison, Matthew Chalmers
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