

Automatic Layout of Project Plans Using a Metro Map Metaphor

14 years 6 months ago
Automatic Layout of Project Plans Using a Metro Map Metaphor
In this paper we describe a tool to improve interfunctional communication of project plans by displaying them as a metro map. Our tool automatically lays out plans using a multicriteria system adapted for the application area. Previous studies have shown that displaying project plans using a metro map metaphor as a complementary visualization to Gantt charts attracts and engages individuals, presents an overview of detail and initiates discussions. Creating such a map manually is time consuming. Hence, we have developed a software tool that converts a standard planning format into a metro map visualization and assists designers in generating comprehensible layouts. Our findings may be important for researchers in the domain of human computer interaction, project managers, knowledge visualization and communication scientists. Keywords--- Project planning, metro map layout problem, multicriteria optimization, knowledge visualization
Jonathan M. Stott, Peter Rodgers, Remo Aslak Burkh
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where IV
Authors Jonathan M. Stott, Peter Rodgers, Remo Aslak Burkhard, Michael Meier 0003, Matthias Thomas Jelle Smis
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