

3-D memory organization and performance analysis for multi-processor network-on-chip architecture

14 years 8 months ago
3-D memory organization and performance analysis for multi-processor network-on-chip architecture
Several forms of processor memory organizations have been in use to optimally access off-chip memory systems mainly the Hard disk drives (HDD). Recent trends show that the solid state drives – (SSD) such as flash memories replacing HDDs and multi-processor memory system realized in a single 3-D structure with network-on-chip (NOC) architecture as a communication medium. This paper discusses high level memory organization and architectural modeling and simulation based on 3D NOC. A comparative analysis among several models including Dance-hall, Sandwich, Terminal, Per-layer and mixed architectures is done. Simulations in cycle accurate 3-D NOC VHDL model are done to evaluate the performance each architecture in uniform and local traffic patterns.
Awet Yemane Weldezion, Zhonghai Lu, Roshan Weerase
Added 09 Jul 2010
Updated 09 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where 3DIC
Authors Awet Yemane Weldezion, Zhonghai Lu, Roshan Weerasekera, Hannu Tenhunen
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