

Slack: Maximizing Performance Under Technological Constraints

14 years 5 months ago
Slack: Maximizing Performance Under Technological Constraints
Many emerging processor microarchitectures seek to manage technological constraints (e.g., wire delay, power, and circuit complexity) by resorting to nonuniform designs that provide resources at multiple quality levels (e.g., fast/slow bypass paths, multi-speed functional units, and grid architectures). In such designs, the constraint problem becomes a control problem, and the challenge becomes designing a control policy that mitigates the performance penalty of the non-uniformity. Given the increasing importance of non-uniform control policies, we believe it is appropriate to examine them in their own right. To this end, we develop slack for use in creating control policies that match program execution behavior to machine design. Intuitively, the slack of a dynamic instruction i is the number of cycles i can be delayed with no effect on execution time. This property makes slack a natural candidate for hiding non-uniform latencies. We make three contributions in our exploration of sla...
Brian A. Fields, Rastislav Bodík, Mark D. H
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ISCA
Authors Brian A. Fields, Rastislav Bodík, Mark D. Hill
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