

Level-Set Segmentation From Multiple Non-Uniform Volume Datasets

14 years 8 months ago
Level-Set Segmentation From Multiple Non-Uniform Volume Datasets
Typically 3-D MR and CT scans have a relatively high resolution in the scanning X;Y plane, but much lower resolution in the axial Z direction. This non-uniform sampling of an object can miss small or thin structures. One way to address this problem is to scan the same object from multiple directions. In this paper we describe a method for deforming a level set model using velocity information derived from multiple volume datasets with non-uniform resolution in order to produce a single high-resolution 3D model. The method locally approximates the values of the multiple datasets by fitting a distance-weighted polynomial using moving least-squares. The proposed method has several advantageous properties: its computational cost is proportional to the object surface area, it is stable with respect to noise, imperfect registrations and abrupt changes in the data, it provides gain-correction, and it employs a distancebased weighting to ensures that the contributions from each scan are prop...
Ken Museth, David E. Breen, Leonid Zhukov, Ross T.
Added 16 Jul 2010
Updated 16 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Ken Museth, David E. Breen, Leonid Zhukov, Ross T. Whitaker
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