

Reconstruction of Complex Environments by Robust Pre-aligned ICP

14 years 6 months ago
Reconstruction of Complex Environments by Robust Pre-aligned ICP
This paper proposes a technique for three-dimensional reconstruction of an underwater environment from range views acquired by an acoustic camera. The final target of the work lies in improving the understanding of a human operator driving an underwater remotely operated vehicle floating close to an offshore structure. Due to the narrow field of view and the absence of control of the sensor position, no information is available about the degree of overlapping between the range images; further, speckle noise and low resolution make more difficult the registration process. In this paper, we propose a preprocessing method which gives a coarse alignment of range images prior to running the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm for the accurate registration of views pairs. The pre-alignment is based on the matching between the three-dimensional skeletons extracted from the images. A comparative analysis is presented where our method is compared with plain ICP, and with a technique based ...
Vittorio Murino, Lucca Ronchetti, Umberto Castella
Added 23 Aug 2010
Updated 23 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where 3DIM
Authors Vittorio Murino, Lucca Ronchetti, Umberto Castellani, Andrea Fusiello
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