

Memory rich clothing: second skins that communicate physical memory

14 years 4 months ago
Memory rich clothing: second skins that communicate physical memory
This paper examines the development of wearable technologies that display a garment’s history of use and communicate physical memory. We explore how trends in digital technologies and conventional wearable research contrast the ways our bodies and clothing register memory at a personal and social level. Our research concentrates on the production of garments that take into consideration aspects of playfulness and that reflect more subtle or poetic aspects of our identity and embodied history. The pieces described here are part of a larger series called Memory Rich Clothing and employ several soft computation techniques developed in our labs. Author Keywords Reactive garments, wearable computing, electronic textiles, history of use, physical memory. ACM Classification Keywords J.9.e Wearable computers and body area networks
Joanna Berzowska
Added 13 Oct 2010
Updated 13 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Joanna Berzowska
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