

Detecting Local Symmetry Axis in 3-dimensional Virus Structures

14 years 4 months ago
Detecting Local Symmetry Axis in 3-dimensional Virus Structures
This paper presents an efficient computational method to identify a local symmetry axis in 3-dimensional viral structures obtained using electron cryomicroscopy. Local symmetry is frequently observed in viral structures. Many virus structures have various types of local symmetry such as 2-fold, 3-fold and 6-fold that exist in certain limited regions on the 3-dimensional structure. Locations of local symmetry axes can be used in structure averaging as well as in detecting small structural variations among different copies of the same protein. We present a computational method that uses two-dimensional local correlation to identify the local symmetry axis in 3-dimensional viral structures. Instead of enumerating all the possible orientations of the symmetry axis, this method starts with a visually identified orientation and detects the trace of the axis, from which the exact orientation of the axis can be calculated. The complexity of this algorithm is analysed, and a comparison with a ...
Jing He, Desh Ranjan, Wen Jiang, Wah Chiu, Michael
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where APBC
Authors Jing He, Desh Ranjan, Wen Jiang, Wah Chiu, Michael F. Schmid
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