

Perceived risk and trust associated with purchasing at electronic marketplaces

14 years 1 months ago
Perceived risk and trust associated with purchasing at electronic marketplaces
Understanding consumer behavior is of vital importance to consumer oriented e-business models today. In this paper we report on a study into the relationships between consumer perceptions of risk and trust and the intention to purchase at a C2C electronic marketplace. Distinguishing for electronic marketplace settings is that consumer behavior is subject to perceptions of both selling party and the institutional structures of the intermediary operating the system. Building upon the well-established literature of trust we consider the concepts of institutional trust and party trust. We extend this categorization by introducing the concepts of institutional risk and party risk. Next, we adopt the process of measurement instrument development as put forward by Churchill (1979). We develop measurement instruments for institutional trust (4 items), institutional risk (5 items) and party risk (4 items). All measurement scales contain acceptable alpha's and are unidimensional. An empiri...
Tibert Verhagen, Yao-Hua Tan
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ECIS
Authors Tibert Verhagen, Yao-Hua Tan
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