

Distributed Digital Rights Management: The EduSource Approach to DRM

14 years 4 months ago
Distributed Digital Rights Management: The EduSource Approach to DRM
This paper describes the design and implementation of the distributed digital rights management (DDRM) system as undertaken by the eduSource project, a national network of learning object repositories built by a consortium of universities and other agencies in Canada. DDRM is foremost a system of rights expression, with transactions managed by a set of brokers acting on behalf of purchasers and providers. Rights are described using ODRL, contained in files managed by the provider broker, and accessed by means of pointers in the learning object metadata exchanged within the eduSource network.
Stephen Downes, Gilbert Babin, Luc Belliveau, Raph
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ODRL
Authors Stephen Downes, Gilbert Babin, Luc Belliveau, Raphael Blanchard, Gérard Lévy, Pierre Bernard, Gilbert Paquette, Sylvie Plourde
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