

A novel functional module detection algorithm for protein-protein interaction networks

14 years 3 months ago
A novel functional module detection algorithm for protein-protein interaction networks
Background: The sparse connectivity of protein-protein interaction data sets makes identification of functional modules challenging. The purpose of this study is to critically evaluate a novel clustering technique for clustering and detecting functional modules in protein-protein interaction networks, termed STM. Results: STM selects representative proteins for each cluster and iteratively refines clusters based on a combination of the signal transduced and graph topology. STM is found to be effective at detecting clusters with a diverse range of interaction structures that are significant on measures of biological relevance. The STM approach is compared to six competing approaches including the maximum clique, quasi-clique, minimum cut, betweeness cut and Markov Clustering (MCL) algorithms. The clusters obtained by each technique are compared for enrichment of biological function. STM generates larger clusters and the clusters identified have p-values that are approximately 125-fold ...
Woochang Hwang, Young-Rae Cho, Aidong Zhang, Mural
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Woochang Hwang, Young-Rae Cho, Aidong Zhang, Murali Ramanathan
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