Real time terrain rendering plays a very important role in many fields, such of GIS, virtual reality, and military simulations. With the rapid development of PC-level hardware, recent interest in parallel rendering systems focuses on a PC cluster, which is much cheaper than an expensive graphics workstation. In this paper a parallel rendering system is proposed for a large terrain dataset, and the technique of multi-screen tiled display is used to show the rendering result. The retained-mode parallel architecture avoids the frequency of data transitions in the network, and the sort-first mode architecture conveniently partitions between PC nodes. Terrain data are preprocessed and organized as a static quad tree that is GPU optimized. In order to process an out-of-core terrain dataset and achieve a real-time rendering requirement, many techniques are used, such as an LOD algorithm, view-frustum culling, and out-of-core data management. Experimental results show that the proposed paralle...