

Dynamic Fault Diagnosis of Combinational and Sequential Circuits on Reconfigurable Hardware

14 years 12 days ago
Dynamic Fault Diagnosis of Combinational and Sequential Circuits on Reconfigurable Hardware
This article describes an emulation-based method for locating stuck-at faults in combinational and synchronous sequential circuits. The method is based on automatically designing a circuit which implements a closest-match fault location algorithm specialized for the circuit under diagnosis (CUD). This method allows designers to perform dynamic fault location of stuck-at faults in large circuits, and eliminates the need for large storage required by a software-based fault dictionary. In fact, the approach is a pure hardware solution to fault diagnosis. We demonstrate the feasibility of the method in terms of hardware resources and diagnosis time by experimenting with ISCAS85 and ISCAS89 circuits. The emulation-based diagnosis method speeds up the diagnosis process by an order of magnitude compared to the software-based fault diagnosis. This speedup is important, especially, when the on-line diagnosis of safety–critical systems is of concern. Keywords Dynamic fault diagnosis . Stuck-at...
Fatih Kocan, Daniel G. Saab
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where ET
Authors Fatih Kocan, Daniel G. Saab
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